Transporting more than 75-150 individuals each Sunday morning, the Soul-Winning Bus Route Ministry operates with one mission in mind: to get people to church. Bus drivers understand that if they can provide a means for people to arrive on the church grounds, these people will be given opportunities for spiritual growth that they otherwise would not have.
By far, the largest volume of transportation involves the second session of Sunday School, but the first session is gaining by its numbers, our teachers are dedicated to both session with a desire to which is devoted to teaching the children brought in by bus. "Second Hour Sunday School," is a repeat of the first hour in the main sanctuary of New Life Tabernacle, and then at 10:30 a.m. our Morning Worship service begins after the children have vacated the main sanctuary. There are no classes that are being held during the Main service on Sunday morning, simultaneously.
To reach as many un-churched youth as possible, the routes stretch across the entire community of Corcoran. Bus route workers meet each Wednesday evening before the Midweek Worship Service for a 15-minute meeting.
However, in addition to transporting children to and from church, the bus ministry's outreach is also extended to the parents of our Sunday School Children.
Currently, we have 1 bus and a couple of Vans that are utilized by the Soul-Winning Bus Route Ministry.
A Message from our Sunday School Bus Ministry:
It is an honor and privilege to be a part of the Sunday School Bus Team. Each Week we provide transportation to and from the local church here in the city of Corcoran to children and their parents of all ages, bringing them to attend our Sunday Funday activities.
Currently, our BUS is decked out with Red Flames across the front and our Sunday School Mascot painted on the side… “Blessing Man”. This is just the beginning: we are anticipating in the near future of having several buses and / or vans on the road, picking up the many parents and children anxious to be delivered to our Sunday Morning services. We want to be able to accommodate the Revival that God is giving to us.
We have a future goal of having an evening bus route so that every family could have the opportunity to know that Jesus loves them and that there is a better life to live in Jesus Christ. The scripture’s reveal to us that Jesus came to give life and that life more abundant. We in the Bus Ministry are trying to share that life.
Riding within our Sunday School Buses are our future preachers, Sunday School teachers, missionaries, (the list could go on and on) but these be the children that ride each and every Sunday on our Church Buses.