Armed with the vision of enabling God's people to minister, our Ministry Training / Leadership workers help people discover and understand their duties, gifts, passion, personality style, and calling to reach for the lost.
Everyone who has been baptized in Jesus' name and received the Holy Ghost has been called to be a minister. The teaching ministry is at every level of the church, and everyone is a teacher: we are all witnesses and should be able to share scriptures. Ministry Training / Leadership training helps individuals understand the importance of faithfulness and consistency in all ministries. This course, in preparing individuals to discover their place in the ministries of the New Life Tabernacle, it also explains the importance of holiness and the standards required in the ministry.
Ministry Training / Leadership Training's values are focused around deliberate training (Luke 6:46). Through assessments, individuals can learn more about their gifts, and thus employ them more effectively. This Ministry / Leadership training also seeks to teach the importance of communication and teamwork. The ideas that "less is more" and that everyone is a minister are also reinforced.
The four phases of Ministry Training that are put within this training and teaching phase includes but is not limited to:
- Phase I–Bible Doctrine Class: ministry training preparatory class on prayer, holiness, discipling, one God, belief and obedience, and salvation
- Phase II–Everyone a Minister: principles and concepts of ministry and discipling, and personality assessments
- Phase III–Personal Evangelism: how to witness and develop your testimony; your purpose; and using scriptures effectively
- Phase IV–Finding Your Place in the Body of Christ: ministry profile, passion, gifts, holiness, and experiential training using relational evangelism
Ministry / Leadership Training encourages placement in ministries matching participants' strengths. All church members wanting to become involved or to better understand their strengths, and those individuals who want to improve their current ministry involvement, are encouraged to complete the Ministry / Leadership Training courses.
Completing the Abundant Life Class is a prerequisite for enrolling in Ministry / Leadership Training.